The Belarusian-Polish poetic borderland (1830–1918): assessments of literature and research perspectives
Adam Mitskevich; Belarusian-Polish borderland; poetic paradigm; literary connections; Belarusian discourse.Abstract
The purpose of this article is to consider the main stages of the study of the phenomenon of the Belarusian-Polish poetic borderland by foreign and domestic literary studies during the period of intense renewal and interaction of artistic traditions (1830–1918). Research in this field of literary studies consists of monographs and articles devoted to the work of Adam Mitskevich and his influence on the aesthetics and poetic consciousness of the Belarusian folk culture, as well as works that analyze the Polish influence on the verbal art of Belarusians and the specifics of the Belarusian discourse in the Polish-language literature of Belarus and literature of Poland. The value of scientific developments in this field is obvious: they can shed light on many new interesting aspects of the interaction of poetic paradigms within two cultural systems, which will allow a better understanding of their common history and current state.
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