This article presents a historical and philosophical analysis of the views of the Russian intuitionist philosopher S.L. Frank on the peculiarities of the relationship between philosophy and psychology in his version of the project of philosophical psychology. In the context of the scientist’s anthropological system, his ideas about the nature of the human personality and the laws of functioning of the human psyche are analyzed. As a result, a holistic concept of man is formulated in the scientific philosophical and psychological system of S. L. Frank. By comparing the views of S. L. Frank with contemporary philosophical and psychological views, a conclusion is made about the scientist’s original contribution to the conceptualization of the project of philosophical psychology, which was widely represented in psychological science in Russia at the end of the 19 th – beginning of the 20 th centuries. It is summarized that the thinker’s initial position was the constitution of the substantiality of the soul as an anthropological unit, not reducible to either the sensory-psychic or physiological components of human nature, and the project as a whole was a logical continuation of the philosophical and religious intuitionist views of S. L. Frank..
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