corruption; corruption-related crimes; subjects; types; the legislation of UkraineAbstract
The article discusses the advisability of corruption crimes study as a separate type of criminal offenses, taking into consideration
peculiarities of their legal entity which are defined by the concept “corruption’’. In particular, attention is focused on the noncompliance of legal definitions of a corruption offense, including criminal offense and the concept of corruption as the relevant acts committed by a special subject. The author offers her own classification of corruption offenses, depending on the particular method of
committing. Different types of bribery and abuse are defined as the core of corruption crimes in Ukrainian legislation.
The relationship between the concepts “a corruption offense’’ and “an offense related to corruption’’ is studied.
The comparative legal analysis of the types of corruption crimes in the criminal law of Ukraine and those that are provided in
the provisions of the basic anti-corruption conventions, allow to summarize the most important results: a) a list of corruption crimes defined in the Criminal Code of Ukraine in general does not go beyond the types, which are considered as corruption in the provisions of the relevant basic international conventions; b) certain types of crimes, which are defined as corruption in the basic international conventions, in the provisions of the Criminal Code of Ukraine are not mentioned, because they are the crimes associated with corruption; c) the expediency to consider commission of certain acts in connection with corruption as qualified attributes for individual
offenses is substantiated.
Ref.: 19 titles.
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